The video is accompanied by a free digital newspaper, with an additional interview of Ruth Wilson Gilmore about the carcerality of COVID and the importance of abolitionist consciousness, and featuring image and campaign contributions from the RAPP Campaign (Release Aging People in Prison), Critical Resistance’s Abolitionist Platform Toward Healthy Communities Now and Beyond COVID-19, and the New York Transformative Justice Hub.
Ashes Ashes was commissioned for the exhibition, Marking Time: Art in the Age of Mass Incarceration, curated by Nicole Fleetwood, September 17, 2020 – April 4, 2021, at MoMA PS1, New York, NY

Installation photo by Jeanine Oleson

Historic stereographic photograph of New York’s previous Jail on Blackwell’s Island

Pictured in “Marking Time” exhibition with Gilberto Rivera (left) and Dean Gillespie (foreground)